Sunday, January 29, 2006

Try Awakened Doing

In Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth he has a great chapter on "Awakened Doing." In a nutshell it's paying complete attention to what you are currently doing. Be in the 'now.' Focus on what you are doing completely. Engage your five senses. Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling. Rather than thinking and living in the past -- which is a memory, and/or worrying about the future -- which is anticipation, be fully present. It's not as easy as it sounds. I consciously tried doing this during activities this week. It's surprising how the chatterbox of my mind demanded it's own time for future 'shoulds' rather than just jumping into the enjoyment of what I was doing. It's really quite fun to witness the mental distractions. When you do recognize them, you've made the first move to living 'more awake.'

Sunday, January 22, 2006

At Week's End

Or would it be "at wits end?" Yes, sometimes it seems as though time is flying by. The images from 50s movies where calendar pages are blown from January through December to show time was passing seem to be a fitting image of how my world is playing out. Is it because I'm having so much fun and loving life? Or is it because I believe it's important to use every minute I'm given? Either way I'd love to be able to hit the "pause" button every once an awhile. I find the best time to connect with just "being" is upon waking up. I've found making a decision to not jump out of bed, but to reflect, breathe, think gently on the day ahead for 15 minutes is an invaluable gift to my "self."

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Let Go of "What If's"

This blog thing is really simpler than I imagined. I'm still learning the system. I press a link by "accident." Lo and behold a window opens to write in. And, that's really what so much of life is all about. Being open to "pressing a link" or trying something new without being afraid of the results. As a bona fide baby boomer -- I grew up in the "what if world?" Meaning before you do something be sure all the ramifications of your actions are thought out, analyzed and assessed before acting. This thinking had a place at one time. But as we've seen from the Gen Xers who dove into their computers with "No Fear," if you hit a Ctrl H and nothing happens -- try again.
So an easier way to approach life - is to let go of the continual "what if" drone in your head. Know you can do something, do it and have fun getting it done.

Anyway -- a nice quote I have attached to my computer is:

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which more than anything else will affect its successful outcome."
William James

Friday, January 13, 2006

Loving to Learn New Things

My special thanks to my "fav" client, Rick Itzkowich, co-founder of Productive Learning & Leisure. Yes, for the last 5 years Rick has gently nudged, often pushed me into new technology. And, you got it -- he sent me his "first blog" today. So where it would normally take me a week or month or two to assimilate and try it "out for myself." The gap has shortened to 15 minutes! And actually that's what PL&L does -- they "close the gap between what people have and what they want in their personal and professional lives." Guess it works!

The theme of my "One Size Fits All" Ideas Blog will be -- thoughts, musings and information that I would like to share with whoever finds there way here. So for today ~~ the sun is shining and it's a good day for playing at a job I love.